Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Criminology - Essay Example Wade. Romney overtly expressed his distaste for abortion and was proud of his Pro-Life views. He actively sought the support of people who wished to overturn the Roe vs. Wade and further established that his presidency would discontinue the Federal funding provided to organization that supported abortion. On the other hand, democratic nominee Obama had openly criticized Romney for his lack of consistency over the matter, as he had expressed an inclination towards the Pro-choice stance on the matter; Obama campaign was quick to criticize this move on Romney’s part and accused him of ‘playing politics’. (CNN, 2012) It was indeed ostensible that Romney, a former proponent of the Pro-choice stance on the matter had quickly molded his views according to the Republican point of view. This was a questionable move on part of the Romney campaign that may have lead to the loss of support, however Obama campaign had not only promised to preserve the Roe vs. Wade ruling but also gave people the hope that they would actively work to reduce the need for abortion in the society (CNN, 2012). He believed in maintaining the federal funding provided to family planning agencies, but he had elucidated on the fact that he wished to protect women’s interest without infringing upon their rights and wanted to embolden the efficacy of other methods that would prevent an unwanted conception. From a sociological perspective, Abortion represents a symbolic interactionist social issue, because it is an issue that entails multiple facets that has to be taken into account and rouses several different interpretations that leads to a disparity in public opinion. In other words, individuals may regulate their opinion on an issue according to their interpretation of the matter, which is subjected to change. Abortion is a multifaceted issue, it legalization and

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